Saturday, June 26, 2010

Career Switch From Journalism to Public Relations - Research, Communication Skills Transfer Smoothly

As the economy squeezes news editors, reporters and producers into new careers, many emerge into the public relations field. Aside from any initial hesitation about "going to the dark side," it can be a smooth glide from one form of information delivery to another.

That was my experience after three decades on editing desks in New York, New Jersey and Michigan -- my version of a path many others have taken successfully. "I was hired for my first PR position many years ago because of my journalism experience, and I know many others who have made a successful transition," says Christopher Trela, an independent practitioner in Costa Mesa, Calif.

But one veteran PR executive in Washington, D.C., thinks we're generally ill-prepared for the profession. Richard Mintz, owner and managing director of The Harbour Group in Washington, D.C., boldly waves a red flag at PR aspirants whose first career involved bylines and the Five W's.

"Journalists by their nature don't make great advocates or public relations people because they're trained to be objective rather than to take sides," he told Atlantic magazine blogger Jeffrey Goldberg in January 2010. "They also tend to work alone, and they have no business experience."

Those comments in a post headlined The Great Journalism Exodus score one out of three for accuracy, based on my background and that of other newsroom emigrants. Overlap "between the two fields is galactic," says Jill Parker Landsman, who brought seven years of reporting and editing experience to her position as communications director at the Northern Virginia Association of Realtors.

Business imperatives are recognized

Direct business administration know-how typically isn't a tool carried out of newsrooms, it's true. That's not to say all journalists are clueless about management, marketing and bottom lines - life-and-death issues in their industry. As Goldberg notes at the start of his post: "Friends in the public relations business... tell me they are inundated with calls from journalists looking to escape our profession before it dies, as opposed to after it dies."

Characterizing journalists as rigidly objective and solitary doesn't describe professionals accustomed to flexibility, point-of-view narratives and teamwork. While balanced fairness is the goal, journalism requires subjective decisions about themes, sources, word choices, quote selection and presentation sequence. Reporters and editors work closely with photographers, graphic artists, page designers and online producers - a newsroom version of account teams.

Mintz also seems to overlook or devalue reflexes that accompany newsgathering experience.

"I use my skills to help my company make better decisions on how to place stories, land coverage and shape releases that will capture the attention of journalists," says Ed Garsten, an electronic communication manager who joined Chrysler in 2005 after more than 30 years in journalism. "My colleagues turn to me often and ask, 'Will journalists buy this?' That empowers me to be truthful to them.... I'm fitting in very well." He had worked for CNN, AP and The Detroit News.

Aleta Walther, a marketing communications consultant in San Clemente, is familiar with bias against journalists among some executives. "I had a PR friend, a VP at an agency, tell me that he would never hire a journalist," she recalls. "In the next breath he asked me if I was available to assist on a new business proposal. I never told him I was a hard-core reporter at one time."

Steven Forsythe of Peachtree City, Ga., traded newspapers for corporate communications more than 30 years ago -- and still uses a vivid memory as a reality check. "Many PR people would have been dismayed to see the comments we wrote on their inane releases or photos, posted on a newsroom bulletin board for laughs. I have tried to make sure that never happens to mine," says the top communicator at Global Aviation Holdings near Atlanta.

Credibility with clients

From San Diego, agency CEO Tom Gable reports job inquiries from "lots of terrific talent" leaving the Los Angeles Times, San Diego Union-Tribune and other West Coast papers. "Relating to journalists is just one factor" in their favor," says Gable, a former business editor of his city's daily. "I would rate writing and story-telling abilities higher, as well as credibility in being able to tell a client that the story they think belongs on the front page of the WSJ probably would only make [a trade journal's] new product briefs."

Another Californian, former newspaper reporter and editor Michele M. Horaney, believes "PR people with a news coverage background have a leg up over folks who got PR degrees and have never written a news story." Horaney, now communications director of a nonprofit political research organization in Berkeley, adds: "Being able to write and do research from an 'in the news' and 'in the public's interest' perspective is invaluable."

Naturally, switching career tracks can present a few hurdles at first. "The hardest thing for journalists to learn is to write in someone else's voice," comments print veteran Retha Lindsey Fielding, chief communication officer at a nonprofit in Austin, Texas. "It just doesn't feel right at first."

Former TV news producer Bev Carlson, a board member of Nebraska's chapter of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA), knows "many former newsroom co-workers who have transitioned into highly successful public relations careers. It all depends on the person and their willingness to be flexible and learn." Carlson adds from Omaha: "Former journalists are outstanding in the research aspect of putting together PR strategy. And since journalists -- the good ones -- have the innate training to be quick studies on anything, the learning curve for the other aspects of the job doesn't have to be painful."

Speaking of adjustment pain, Garsten at Chrysler acknowledges he "still can't stand the stultifying pace of decision-making" outside the world of deadlines every minute. Overall, these career re-inventors take pride in something I also appreciate: Delivering clear, accurate, timely information that audiences can use. The content differs, obviously, but the challenges do resemble those of journalism.

See how a former journalist with marketing experience can raise awareness of your enterprise cost-effectively. For a free phone consultation and project proposal, call 248.258.5982 or visit to send a message. Marketing communication support:

    * Web content: Keyword-optimized consumer or B2B information, news-style articles, ghost-written blogs and other materials present marketing messages in an accessible, informative context.
    * Brochures: Colorful, creative, compelling language enhances marketing collateral.
    * Guest columns: Dozens of commentaries, essays and other op-ed submissions written on behalf of clients have been placed in daily newspapers and trade publications. Service includes submission.
    * Media relations: News releases, coverage pitches and electronic press kits include details that editors, reporters and producers want - - quotes, fact sheets, reference statistics, independent sources to call.
    * Speech texts: Mission messages, USPs and points of distinction are woven into meaningful, memorable remarks.

RESULTS: Clear, compelling, creative deliverables with fast turnarounds.

Monday, June 21, 2010

What Does it Take to Become a Police Officer?

There are people who have already decided to become a police officer when they were younger, while there are some who decided to become one later on at some point in their life. However, whatever your decision may be, becoming a police officer is a difficult task and one needs to get ready to tackle several steps first. Having a career in public service is indeed very challenging, diverse, and fulfilling at the same time. Law enforcement opportunities greatly vary from state to state. If you want to become a police officer, it is better to start young. But before doing so, what does it take to become a police officer?
To become a police officer, you need to start with education. Remember that police departments require a basic high school education. Moreover, after graduating high school, an Associates or Bachelors degree is required. Many colleges in the US offer criminal justice programs for people who are interested to become a officer. These programs involve education regarding legal issues, human behavior, computer systems, and other subjects that tackle law enforcement matters. If your training is an advanced one, then you are most likely to become an officer. This will definitely help you in the future.
Keeping tabs about what does it take to become an officer could help you during your application. Another requirement is the physical and moral fitness. For your body to be in good condition, you should participate in outdoor sports or have a regular exercise. In addition, one should also pass a background check to become an officer. Those people who have incurred bad records such as drug convictions, traffic violations, or any other illegal activities are immediately rejected. You should also avoid getting involved in any illegal situations that may ruin your good records if you want to become a police officer.
Furthermore, you will also have to undergo a civil service examination. This is administered by the police department you are applying to. If you are too worried about passing the said examination, worry no more. Many companies are now offering study guides which will help you. What does it take to become a police officer through this test? This civil service examination is offered if there are vacancies available in a certain police department. Once opened, grab the opportunity and be sure that you pass the exam and most likely you are a step ahead to become an officer.
A physical exam is required of all applicants. This test will assess your strength, agility, hearing and vision. Once you have passed the tests, you will then take a lie detector and drug tests respectively. Officials in your department will conduct the lie detector test interview. After this, you will enter into a police academy to undergo training, which will take three months to one year.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Benefits of Working in the Public Sector

There are some people who aren't too happy with financial planners and others in the financial sector right now because of the state of the economy in many countries across the world. However, that doesn't mean that there aren't great jobs for people who want to work in the public sector in a financial job. Things are generally only going to get better from here, and that means that you'll have a steady job that you feel good about, each and every day. The future of finance jobs is looking good, because these kinds of jobs are always needed. Right now things are a little shaky, but that can be a great time to train for a career that will be getting stronger in the future.

If you haven't considered a career in finance in the public sector, it may be time for you to rethink your options. There are a lot of different kinds of finance jobs, too, and working in that sector doesn't mean you have to be working with a stock exchange. You can work with a bank, or even with a large organization or company. Working with a public sector bank or other organization gives you a lot of opportunity for growth, and finance will rebound just as the rest of the economy and job sector will rebound.

Even now, highly-skilled people with degrees and experience in finance are being sought after and are still very popular. Some college students train specifically for careers in finance and public sector jobs because they realize the potential that they have for employment when their schooling is done. Others go into it not so much because they want to but because they feel as though it is one of the best opportunities for a strong pay check and personal wealth available to them. No matter what the reasons, there are many benefits to being in the financial sector, and a good pay check is one of them. There can also be perks such as travel and company vehicles, and most people really do want to listen to what the financial person has to say. Their own personal livelihood might depend on it, as well as the livelihood of the company or organization for which the person works. For people who aren't sure about what they want to do with their lives, a career in finance in the public sector is definitely worth thinking about.

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Advantages of Working in the Public Sector

More and more people are looking to the public sector as a place where they can have a greater degree of job security and insurance, but it is important to remember that jobs in this area, no matter the field, all have a significant factor where service of the greater good is important. Are you someone who might be happy working in the public sector? Do you love the idea of moving forward and getting the results that you need?

First, you should consider how you are going to get a job in the public sector. There are many different requirements that you will have to meet, but although they are going to be more stringent and more unbending than what you might experience when you are looking at the private sector, you will find that it is not all that different when it comes to getting a job. There are a number of different areas that you have to report if you are looking at working in the public sector. For instance, your employment and criminal records needs to be unblemished. Especially as you climb higher into the upper areas of federal government, you are also going to need to have a clean credit record. Remember that a record that is less than spotless can be overcome, but it will take a lot of work.

It also helps to know that when you are thinking about getting a position in the public sector, you should pull in any favors you might have. Do you know anyone who works in the public sector that you are applying for? If so, you might want to look into asking them to help you. Also, you will need to think about the kind of testing you need to undergo. In many cases, you are going to need to deal with things like civil service exams, drug exams, and basic competency levels. There is going to be a lot of competition for these jobs and at the end of the day, you will find that there are a number of ways to prepare for them. The more time you put into preparing, the better off you are going to be.

If you are interested in getting into the public center, remember that you should always apply for the job that you are interested in, even if you might not think that you will get it. Remember that being patient is a real virtue because public sector jobs can take an embarrassingly long time to get going. This is something that you need to take into account, especially if you need to consider how long it will take you to get working.

Take out some time to make sure you get the kind of work you need in the public sector; this will not only help your job search, it will also help you build a successful public sector career.