Thursday, August 26, 2010

Social Work Degrees - What Careers Options Are Available?

Social work is a term that covers both an academic discipline and an actual profession. This is a rewarding and challenging career field that is dedicated to social welfare and change. They look to improving the quality of life, not just for an individual but for entire communities as well. If you are considering getting a social work degree, it is important to know what career options are available to you upon graduation.
Many people choose the public welfare career path. This sector of social work provides services and support to the juvenile, disabled, poor, ill and elderly people. This path includes positions in case management, policy development, administration and planning, and research. Most positions are located in public welfare and social service agencies.
Another career path is in the clinical sector. The most common job titles are counselor and therapist. These positions deal with providing guidance to clients in the form of therapeutic counseling. You can work in mental health institutions, psychiatric hospitals, and family service agencies.
Many social work graduates choose the occupational career path. The main focus of these jobs is to help employees be more productive and satisfied in their work environment. Those in this career path typically perform counseling, employee assistance, organizational development, and human resources. The most prominent work environment includes large corporations, factories, and labor unions.
Of the many degrees you can choose, social work will give you one of the most diverse set of job opportunities. There are a variety of different career paths that span many different work environments. It can be a challenging and rewarding career.

Monday, August 23, 2010

International Audit Jobs - Five Cities to Find Auditor Jobs

London - it's close to home, in fact you might be working there already. London has in the last twenty years become the financial capital of the world. New York might still find statistics to prove its dominance but it deals mainly in domestic markets and lacks the international appeal of London. The wealth of talent in Britain's capital can lead to competition for positions. This, combined with the high cost of living does put a few people off, but can still offer great opportunities.
New York - despite its constant squabbles with the UK over where the financial capital of the world is, New York is a particularly appealing place for an auditor to look for a job. The introduction of Sarbanes Oxley following the collapse of Enron has lead to the rise in demand for highly qualified audit professionals. Visa requirements can often be quite complex and time consuming but the iconic big apple has lots going for it.
Chicago - the windy city might not instantly enter your mind when looking for an audit job in the United States, but in recent years Illinois' premier city has ridden a crest of a wave and in some financial sectors is more important than Wall Street. The pivotal moment in Chicago's ascent was the merger between Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) & Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) to create one of the world's biggest futures market. Whilst it's not directly related to auditing, when you have money changing hands on that scale, plenty of audit vacancies and positions become available.
Beijing - everyone is talking about China's economic situation. Currently their mixture of capitalism and communism seems to be the perfect recipe for growth. Not surprisingly the demand for well qualified Western audit professionals in Beijing is high. Whether it's working for a European company or a local enterprise the opportunities are plain to be seen. It's a long way from home but not as far as you might think - you might not be popping home for Sunday lunch, but travelling there by plane is a simple procedure.
Bombay - while most people are aware of the growth in China, to many experts the flourishing economy of India is far more exciting, and less risky. Mumbai, Bombay's new name, is at the centre of the country's burgeoning financial revolution. With the entertainment businesses of Bollywood and more traditional companies, Mumbai has the appeal of both LA & New York.
Dubai - another fast developing financial capital is the United Arab Emirates' city of Dubai. The financial focal point for Middle Eastern oil has gained attention for its impressive growth and audacious planning & infrastructure. For many westerners looking for an international audit job, Dubai would prove the perfect fit.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Six Ways to Get Promoted Faster in Your Civil Service Career

While there are many similarities between attaining success in private industry, working in the public sector presents its own unique challenges. However civil service careers can still be lucrative for those employees who are ambitious and strive to advance. Here are six ways you can get promoted faster in your government job.
. First you must make a commitment to be the best you can be. You should pursue areas within your interest and resolve to be flexible in your approach to everyday situations. Work at being outstanding at what you do and knowledgeable of your subject area. Stay abreast of subject matter trends, the work of other experts and the mission of your organization.
. Study and practice techniques for getting along with others and gaining the respect of the people you work with. you must be able to work well with others to have any chance of being promoted to higher grades.
. Develop consistent work habits. Establish a productive routine and practice discipline in your work ethic.
. Become known as the person who can get virtually any task done with efficiency and excellence.
. Look for opportunities to gain influence in decision making.
. Study others who are good at managing people and supervising the work of others. Practice those same behaviors in your daily interactions.
. Follow through on your commitments and do what you say you are going to do.
Opportunities are plentiful for good people to excel in the civil service. The promise of important and exciting work, great responsibility, and outstanding rewards await those who accept the challenge and do what is required to to move up the civil service career ladder.